Designated Area Migration Agreement Northern Territory

Designated Area Migration Agreement Northern Territory (DAMA NT) is a program that aims to address labor shortages in the Northern Territory by allowing employers to sponsor skilled migrant workers to fill job vacancies that cannot be filled by local workers. This article will look at what DAMA NT is, how it works, and its benefits.

What is DAMA NT?

The DAMA NT is a unique agreement between the Australian Government, the Northern Territory Government, and employers in the Northern Territory. The program is designed to address labor shortages in the Northern Territory and help businesses find skilled migrant workers to fill vacancies that cannot be filled by local workers.

How does DAMA NT work?

Under the DAMA NT program, employers can sponsor skilled migrant workers under a Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa to work in the Northern Territory. The program allows employers to sponsor workers for a broader range of occupations than the standard TSS visa program.

The occupations that can be sponsored under DAMA NT are job-specific and are determined based on the needs of the Northern Territory labor market. The program also allows employers to access a range of concessions, including salary concessions, English language concessions, and age concessions.

What are the benefits of DAMA NT?

The primary benefit of DAMA NT is that it allows businesses in the Northern Territory to access a larger pool of skilled workers, which can help address labor shortages and support economic growth.

DAMA NT also offers a range of benefits for skilled migrant workers, including access to permanent residency pathways. The program can also provide social and economic benefits to the Northern Territory by supporting regional development and helping to address skills shortages.


In conclusion, the Designated Area Migration Agreement Northern Territory (DAMA NT) is an innovative program that aims to address labor shortage concerns in the Northern Territory. The program offers a range of benefits to both employers and skilled migrant workers, including access to a broader range of job opportunities and the potential for permanent residency. As a result, DAMA NT is an essential program for the continued growth and development of the Northern Territory economy.

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