Subject Verb Agreement Online Games High School

Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of writing and speaking English. It refers to the agreement between the subject and the verb in a sentence, both in terms of number and tense. Getting this agreement right is essential for clear and effective communication, whether it be in an academic essay or a casual conversation.

For high school students looking to improve their subject-verb agreement skills, there are a number of online games available that can help make the learning process more engaging and enjoyable. Here are five of the best subject-verb agreement games for high school students:

1. Grammar Ninja

Grammar Ninja is a fun and interactive game that challenges students to identify the subject and verb in a sentence and ensure that they agree in number and tense. Students play as a ninja who must throw shurikens (ninja stars) at the correct parts of the sentence to earn points.

2. Sentence Surgeons

In Sentence Surgeons, students play as a surgeon who must fix broken sentences by ensuring that the subject and verb agree in number and tense. The game includes a timer, so students can challenge themselves to see how quickly they can complete each sentence.

3. The Subject-Verb Agreement Game

This simple game asks students to choose the correct verb to complete a sentence, ensuring that it agrees in number and tense with the subject. Each correct answer earns points and takes the player closer to the finish line.

4. Jeopardy-style Subject-Verb Agreement Game

This game is based on the popular TV quiz show Jeopardy! Students must choose a category and a point value, then answer a question about subject-verb agreement. Correct answers earn points, while incorrect answers deduct points.

5. The Verb Viper

The Verb Viper challenges students to identify the subject and verb in a sentence, and then choose the correct verb tense to ensure that they agree. Incorrect answers cause the viper (a snake) to get longer, while correct answers keep the viper at bay.

By playing these online games, high school students can improve their subject-verb agreement skills in a fun and engaging way. With enough practice, they`ll be able to confidently write and speak English with proper subject-verb agreement.

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