Eucor Learning Agreement

The Eucor Learning Agreement: What You Need to Know

If you`re a student considering study abroad options, you`ve likely heard of the Eucor network. Eucor is a consortium of five universities located in the Upper Rhine region of Europe: the University of Strasbourg, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, the University of Freiburg, the University of Basel, and the University of Mulhouse. The Eucor Learning Agreement is an important aspect of the exchange program, and it`s essential to understand what it entails.

What is the Eucor Learning Agreement?

The Eucor Learning Agreement is a document that outlines the academic program of the student during their exchange period. The agreement sets forth the number of credits that the student will be taking, as well as the courses and modules included in the program. It serves as a contract between the student, the host institution, and the home institution.

Why is the Eucor Learning Agreement Important?

The Eucor Learning Agreement is an important document because it ensures that the student`s academic program is recognized and accepted by both their home institution and the host institution. The agreement helps to ensure that the student`s credits will transfer back to their home institution, and that they will be recognized towards their degree.

The agreement is also important because it outlines the expectations and responsibilities of the student while they are on exchange. It sets clear guidelines for attendance, academic performance, and behavior, and serves as a reference point for both the student and the institutions involved.

How to Fill Out the Eucor Learning Agreement?

The Eucor Learning Agreement is typically completed in three parts: the section for the student, the section for the host institution, and the section for the home institution.

The student section requires the student to provide personal information, such as their name, address, and student ID number. The section also asks the student to list the courses they will be taking while on exchange, including the number of credits each course is worth.

The host institution section requires the institution to verify and approve the courses listed by the student. The host institution may also add additional requirements or conditions that the student must meet while on exchange.

The home institution section requires the institution to approve the courses listed by the student and to verify that the courses will be accepted for credit towards the student`s degree.


In summary, the Eucor Learning Agreement is a crucial document for any student considering the Eucor exchange program. It serves as a contract between the student, the host institution, and the home institution, outlining the academic program and setting expectations and responsibilities for the exchange period. Filling out the agreement requires input and approval from all parties involved, and it`s essential to understand and comply with its guidelines to ensure a successful exchange experience.

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